Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 145

marbles in a stack,
drum kits made of egg shells crack;
porous vessels lack.

Prompt:  Make something incongruous.  Use an unexpected material to make something familiar.

Day 144

Walking on your hands
ain't easy to do with feet
subject to tickling.

Prompt:  Use your feet as your hands and/or your hands as your feet as part of whatever you do today.

Day 143

Saturday waffles
ooze blueberries through crisp grain,
Hello Kitty shaped.

Prompt:  Make something in which the sense of taste is the essential component.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 142

Peek-a-boo page holes
have an infinite ending
clear through to the soul

Prompt:  Cut holes in the pages of a magazine or book so that what you reveal beneath creates something new.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 141

Glued paper layers
well designed into 3-D
leave fingers sticky.

Prompt:  Make a paper pop-up.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 140

Have u t or me?
T for 2 + 2 for t,
me 4 u 4 me.

Prompt: Create a rebus. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139

Shriveling eggplant
dressed up like Grandma's whiskers
on the windowsill

Prompt: Make something that will decay over time and document it until it's gone (or too smelly to keep).

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138

Behind bedroom doors,
she becomes Unicorn Girl
prancing into flight.

Prompt: Make something inspired by a fictional character.

Day 137

Morning sun thaws frost,
dries Food Stamp Hobo Camp clothes,
heats my soaking skin.

Prompt: Look at the morning sky when you first get up today and make something inspired by what you see.

Day 136

That dummy worked,
the one we threw in the road,
laughing as cars stopped.

Prompt: Create a life-size person using your clothes and/or whatever else you have at hand.

Day 135

From Cape Cod gravestones
we rubbed ancestors with wax
onto paper sheets.

Prompt: Make a rubbing by placing paper over rough objects and using charcoal or chalk to pick up the details.  Gravestones are the classic source for this technique.

Day 134

On campfire nights
childhood stories bring chills
and last a lifetime.

Prompt:  Reinterpret your favorite childhood story.

Day 133

Do surreal paintings
in this museum reveal
incongruous life?

Prompt: Make something surreal.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 132

Cutting your sleeves off
and sewing the bottom closed
upcycles to tote.

Prompt:  Create something on a T-shirt and wear it for the rest of the day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 131

double-u tree forks
o tree knot and bike spokes
d tree branch 'round rock

Prompt:  Make a word out of objects in your environment or with letters found in natural formations outside.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 130

Good bye, Tom Gabel
coming out with bravery
Welcome, Laura Jane

Prompt:  Pick a piece of music you love (or hate) and use it as the inspiration for today's piece.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 129

Don't leave Earth behind -
extreme weather on Venus,
summer in a day.


No one in the class 
could remember a time when 
it was not raining.

Prompt:  Make a passport, travel poster, monetary unit, or other item for a fictional country or another planet.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 128

Floridian birth
gave life to wanderlust urges
writing and playing.

Prompt:  Write a ten-word autobiography. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 127

I miss the zine days,
pen pals mailing their xeroxed

Prompt:  Mail art!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 126

Kitty Hawk ain't that
far away flying metal
around the world, now.


When little girls' dreams
stop flying around twelve,
dream a better dream.

Prompt:  Make something that can fly and test it out.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 125

The world keeps living
when whole hearts start their grieving
Good Bye, MCA.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 124

Kids passed through the wall
in a well posed tricky-pic
no border guards saw.

Prompt:  Make something seem like it is passing through a wall or other solid material that it normally wouldn't or couldn't.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 123

Egg shell starter cups -
protective cradles sow seeds 
tucked into moist earth.

Prompt:  Work with or be inspired by an eggshell.

Day 122

Three weeks of "off work" +
too much fun spent until one =
no haiku today.

Day 121

I got really drunk:
Derek and Billy Yahtzee,
Noise Bands, Indie Rock.